First words out of my mouth when I heard John McCain's VP pick yesterday, "Sarah who?"
I did some homework on the web reading about Sarah Palin and watching her speech on You tube. My conservative brother in law seems to approve. She seems to meet the approval of Dobson and Limbaugh who remarked , "We have a babe on the ticket". Rush said that, not Dr. Dobson. No wonder Hillary and him don't get along.
I am glad to see a woman in the mix. This past week I figured McCain would pick a woman. I guessed the wrong woman. I also figured our governor was not from a state with enough votes. Wrong there. Alaska has a smaller population. This was an effort to appease conservatives and balance the ticket. She is a beauty and I like her glasses. She looks like Hollywood's choice as the first female president. I always thought if we had a female president we might have less war. Less testosterone=more diplomacy. I'm not sure about this gun-totin' mama and will reserve judgment until I am better informed.
Tim Pawlenty had charm, youth, social conservatism and more administrative experience than Gov. Palin. Was he passed over because he was a man? Has anyone cried "Sexism"? Gives one pause. There are now more women who attend college. Can it be long before men have minority status in power positions? Will men's support groups thrive? Should I be concerned about my grandsons' future?
If Minnesotans don't have a governor in the race, we will have to focus on our senatorial campaign. Mr. Franken and Sen.Coleman are slinging mud already. This is more than a local race. It is about the balance in the senate. While both major parties are pouring money and ideas into our senate election, they had better keep an eye on Dean Barkley. He is running as an Independent candidate for senator. Barkley was the campaign manager for our illustrous former Gov. Ventura. They grew the third party quietly garnering independent voters. They showcased Jesse as a cheeky independent--a third choice. They beat Norm Coleman in that race. Ventura has sulked away and lives in the Baja region of Mexico. Barkley went on to manage Kinky Freidman's Texas campaign. He didn't promote that guy as well. Maybe Texans are more savy. Maybe they liked their first two choices on the ticket. Maybe Minnesotans don't and you will hear more from Mr. Barkley. Time to watch those independent voters.
I did some homework on the web reading about Sarah Palin and watching her speech on You tube. My conservative brother in law seems to approve. She seems to meet the approval of Dobson and Limbaugh who remarked , "We have a babe on the ticket". Rush said that, not Dr. Dobson. No wonder Hillary and him don't get along.
I am glad to see a woman in the mix. This past week I figured McCain would pick a woman. I guessed the wrong woman. I also figured our governor was not from a state with enough votes. Wrong there. Alaska has a smaller population. This was an effort to appease conservatives and balance the ticket. She is a beauty and I like her glasses. She looks like Hollywood's choice as the first female president. I always thought if we had a female president we might have less war. Less testosterone=more diplomacy. I'm not sure about this gun-totin' mama and will reserve judgment until I am better informed.
Tim Pawlenty had charm, youth, social conservatism and more administrative experience than Gov. Palin. Was he passed over because he was a man? Has anyone cried "Sexism"? Gives one pause. There are now more women who attend college. Can it be long before men have minority status in power positions? Will men's support groups thrive? Should I be concerned about my grandsons' future?
If Minnesotans don't have a governor in the race, we will have to focus on our senatorial campaign. Mr. Franken and Sen.Coleman are slinging mud already. This is more than a local race. It is about the balance in the senate. While both major parties are pouring money and ideas into our senate election, they had better keep an eye on Dean Barkley. He is running as an Independent candidate for senator. Barkley was the campaign manager for our illustrous former Gov. Ventura. They grew the third party quietly garnering independent voters. They showcased Jesse as a cheeky independent--a third choice. They beat Norm Coleman in that race. Ventura has sulked away and lives in the Baja region of Mexico. Barkley went on to manage Kinky Freidman's Texas campaign. He didn't promote that guy as well. Maybe Texans are more savy. Maybe they liked their first two choices on the ticket. Maybe Minnesotans don't and you will hear more from Mr. Barkley. Time to watch those independent voters.
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