A couple years ago I spoiled Thanksgiving when I announced to everyone they could not use the plumbing as everything we put down the sewer was backing up onto the laundry room floor. My suggestion; use the facilities at the nearby gas station or go to the hospital lobby BR. The party ended early I am afraid. I had ground up all the turkey skin and potato peelings and one of those or both clogged it up. It was a big greasy mess on the laundry room floor. We have since found out we can use the bathrooms when this line plugs up if it originated in the kitchen or laundry room.
Yesterday I washed an old bathroom rug (my spare) and the backing on it totally crumbled and clogged up the drain. Jon could not budge it with the snake. I left a message for a local establishment that does that work last evening. Today they called saying they were already overbooked but referred me to a business called, "Clog Un-Boggler". I left another message saying I had a clog that needed unboggling. I'll bet they get that a lot. Maybe I should try that new drug "Alie" that is supposed to move things along quickly in human plumbing. Do you think it would unplug a bezor-type rubber plug in my drain? (Bet that makes you wonder what a bezor is. A bezor is a lump of iron that collects in the colon of someone who has overdosed on iron or iron supplements. You can see it on x-ray.) Jon was right. This blog is about nothing. Good advice for the day. Throw the old rug with the cracked backing away. It is cheaper than paying a plumbing bill.
1 comment:
Seinfeld made good money on a tv show about nothing, so don't knock it.....:)
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