"If you build it, they will come
". Remember that last line from the movie, FIELD OF DREAMS? Well, they have come. About a million visitors have visited the farm site where the movie was filmed. Even Kevin Costner has come back to Iowa. It's not heaven, but it is nostalgic. That is one of Jon's favorite movies so we had to take his picture on the bleachers. He did not fall off or choke on a hot dog. There are two souvenir stands there which make money for competing sides of the family. The house is unoccupied. Apparently, they were able to pay off the mortgage because people did remember the game of their youth. We saw people with bats and balls hitting a few, and every conceivable FOD shirt or poster. Now if Minnesotans could just be as nostalgic about our baseball stadium and quit rebuilding them every 25 yrs. with public $$.

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