Kind of makes you wonder why they bother to take pictures.
I have had too much caffeine today resulting in compulsive overblogging. Last one for the morning here. I am leaving in a few minutes.
For the 24 years we have lived in Stillwater Santa arrived the day after Thanksgiving on a fire truck. He comes right down our street on the big truck with the siren sounding. Kids come out to greet him and he throws candy to them. When Andy was little he waited for him. Today it is almost 10:am and time for his arrival. Andy is still sleeping the way the young do on a day off. I have been up five hours. The picture was taken in a different town. I got it online. Santa must have changed over the years. He used to come on a sled, but that was when we had snow in Minnesota. Actually, when I was a kid Santa came to our house to deliver presents one Christmas Eve when my sister and I were sick. She then told me he was really Tater Roberts, a friend of my dad and local fireman. Maybe he could have come on a fire truck after all. I hope I see Santa before I have to leave this morning. Good memories.
Last week I received my copy of "Midwest Living" magazine. I always look for new ideas and clip or copy recipies. I then file them and occasionally actually try some. I have a great collection of clippings. There was an interesting recipe for brussel sprouts. It had bacon, feta cheese, red onion and fresh thyme. My husband likes brussels sprouts and I confess the only thing I have ever done with them is boil them whole. Boring. This sounded like something I would like. In the past two days I have seen three TV cooking demonstrations with new ways to fix brussels sprouts. (Rachel Ray, Gordon Ramsey and the Today show). All the recipes were a little different. Today I read the morning paper's EAT sections. Headline: "Brussel Sprouts for Thanksgiving". They have a recipe that includes orange zest and balsamic vinegar. Think I will try one of the recipes for a pot luck I am attending Saturday. What is going on? I thought all the farmers were growing corn for ethanol. Next year they will probably all be growing hops. There is an international shortage of this beer grain due to drought in Europe and American farmers planting a lot of corn. That should send the price up. Maybe they will overplant and next year we will see recipes for fixing vegetable dishes with hops!
Be forewarned family. You are getting brussels sprouts as one of the vegetables on Thanksgiving. The consolation; it won't be in the stuffing, although that has possibilities.