The love of my life, my best friend, husband Jon turns 65 today. It is a milestone birthday that comes complete with qualifying for Medicare and enduring bad jokes. Actually you ease into 65. You see it coming. On his 64th birthday he asked, "Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm 64"? Yes, yes, yes. We fed him good yesterday and the kids will feed him well tonight.
We started dating when he was 23. A few months later when he turned 24, his dad (an artist) made him a personal birthday card illustrating a young Jon running into the house announcing, "You had better clear out. There will be cops all over here in a few minutes." I raised my eyebrows. What was I in for? Not to worry, no jailbird. His name did come to mind for the local police when he was growing up when there were pranks pulled. Nothing serious. No juvie record, just his normal impish behavior.
That impish behavior persists. Last week he brought his "Fart Machine" (just a noise maker) to the Monday morning men's Bible Study group. When I invited one of those guys to the birthday party/dinner last night for our church people group, I told him "No Gifts." He said, "Good, I wouldn't know what to get a man who already has a fart machine."
Our "small group" from church helped us celebrate his birthday last night. We started out as a spiritual book discussion/support group and have continued meeting to laugh and eat great meals. We have a gourmet cook in the group (not me). Everyone has a great sense of humor and we have fun. We haven't been too good about following the format for small groups and our pastor will occasionally announce that there is another clandestine small group in church (us). We haven't been seeking new members. 16 is a big enough group for dinners and home meetings.
Last night one of the members who farms told a funny tale about a new use for Diet Coke. He employs several farm hands. One day he sent one to get him a Subway sandwich and a Diet Coke. The guy came back with a 2 liter bottle of the beverage. What do you do with that on the combine? He stashed it in the cab. A short time later he smelled a funny smell. Something was overheating. When he got out of the cab he discovered there was a fire in the engine. Not having a fire extinguisher, he grabbed the Diet Coke, shook it, and put out the fire. Who says God does not anticipate our needs?
Link to another use for Diet Coke: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKoB0MHVBvM
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