Yesterday after the "ladies luncheon", I drove home from St. Croix Falls, WI on the "blue highway" cross-country. It is scenic, hilly and had at least one sharp 90 degree corner. For some reason I tend to drive faster in the Wisconsin countryside. Maybe it is the memory of riding in the backseat as a kid when my Uncle Ervin drove 100 mph. We flew over those hills. I still love that feeling of your stomach floating when you top the hill. One of the ladies in the car remarked about the deer this time of year. I checked my speedometer and eased up on the accelerator. No sense tempting those deer. Today in church our youth pastor preached. He illustrated a point he was making about taking correction from each other by telling a story of his wife warning him to slow down on one of those Wisconsin roads years ago. "The deer are out". Apparently he did not heed her council quickly, and hit one in short order. When he did the accident report for the police, the form asked him to draw what had happened to cause the accident. He said he drew a deer with a surprised look on his face. He is a funny guy. I can imagine that sketch. The deer are crazy during the mating season. It is also the hunting season. Are they running toward each other or from Elmer Fudd? Not sure, but they do not use good judgment when approaching roads. Driver beware.
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