The joke used to be that the doctor would say "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning."; advice you are more likely to get now is, "Apply ice for 20 - 30 minutes four times a day and elevate the injured part". Here is a new use for ICE, besides building an ice castle like the picture from the St. Paul Winter Carnival a couple years ago.
If you have a cell phone put your emergency (family) contact numbers under the heading of I.C.E. This is an acronym for "In Case of Emergency". Emergency personnel look at cell phones when wondering who to call when a victim cannot speak for themselves. You may already know this, otherwise consider it good advice. http://www.snopes.com/crime/prevent/icephone.asp
Here is another piece of advice from a former ER nurse. We frequently had to call patient's personal physicians including a lot of different specialists involved in their care. The secretary, if you had one, would spend precious time searching for those phone numbers. Why not put all your Drs. phone #3 on your cell? My husband has seven Drs. he has seen for one thing of another. I carry a list in my purse but this would work well on the cell phone under Dr. I think.
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