No sleep
Count some sheep.
Which sheep don’t make a peep,
Which sheep are easier to keep,
Which sheep will never leap?
Ma Bell’s sheep.
Count some sheep.
Which sheep don’t make a peep,
Which sheep are easier to keep,
Which sheep will never leap?
Ma Bell’s sheep.
Click on the pictures of the sheep on the top right to enlarge picture for a closer look. I like their feet.

My sister and husband are raising sheep on their Texas ranch. They chose the Katahdin breed because they have hair and shed. They don't need shearing.
You guess which picture is of their sheep. The other kind don't need much upkeep either. (The sheeps' hair is made of old phone cords.)
Carolyn said you can hire sheep shearers for a small fee but they don't like to bother driving out to your ranch unless you have hundreds or thousands of sheep. Not worth their time to shear 20.
Could be a new business venture out there-- sheep spas. I heard of a combination car wash and dog wash started by one enterprising individual. One stop service. I don't know how many sheep my sister can fit in the back of her Lexus. Might not be practical.
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