Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Real Sign of Maturity

Kids grow up fast. Parents of toddlers and colicky babies don't believe this, but from my perspective it is true.
Our baby who recently graduated from college has been driving a barely reliable beater for the last three years. It stalls when it gets cold. The car, a big honking Ford Explorer that gets 15 mpg, thinks 60 degrees is cold. He drives sparingly and carries a cells phone.

For Christmas we gave him a AAA membership with 100 miles towing. When you "join" this club you get a monthly or quartly magazine. I looked at them and didn't bother to forward this mail to him at school. Monday a new one came with his name on it and he was surprised. Not very interested, but surprised. Lots of good stories on RV travel and safety.
The kid has been in the market for a car and went car shopping with his dad last night. One dealer had special 1.9% financing and he bought his first new car. That is a milestone and a mark of maturity. Now he gets to buy the insurance and change the oil. Time to really be an adult.

Today the ultimate mark of maturity for the lad. I can't wait to share what came in the mail for him when he comes home from work. AARP sent him a letter. AARP! He is 22. I didn't get my first correspondence from AARP until I was 48. My husband was solicited when he turned 50 and he ratted me out and signed me up. I was indignant. In denial. "I am only 48!" I said. Now I say, "I am only 63"! Time marches on.

Don't know what the offer from AARP is, but the look on his face should be priceless. Wonder if he will get catalogues for hearing aids and cremation societies next. Must be that AAA membership.

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