Another airline merger. United and Continental are joining forces to form the largest US airline.
We have recently been through a transition of "our airline", the old Northwest, which merged with Delta. One can still spot a few of the old red-tailed airplanes that haven't been repainted with the new Delta colors, but basically NWA was swallowed up. We are no longer "the" hub and corporate headquarters are elsewhere.
Perhaps the new mega-airline could ease the pain by using a combined name for United and Continental. Here are some possibilities:
Biden's suggestion; Big Bleeping Airline.
When you consider which airline to chose for your travel, keep in mind Delta is now the only one to still offer free blankets. Pull the blanket over your head and dream of the old days when they all offered snacks, free meals and champagne cocktails and didn't hold you captive for hours on the tarmac. Years ago, all we had to worry about was being hijacked to Cuba.
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