Time to catch up on my blogging. I got the family round robin letter with the mail today and was reminded there are a few people out there reading this blog.
With spring's arrival I have been spending more time outdoors gardening or just playing.
I went to a recognition / thank-you luncheon for Red Cross blood drive volunteers this week. The MC had individuals introduce themselves and tell about their blood drives. One guy said he did the blood drive at the zoo. This struck me funny. How did they get that past PETA? Did you register the donors as Mr. Lyon, Mr. Behr, Mrs. Katz? I know. They collect blood from the employees but it is funnier the other way.
The next day I met for a monthly breakfast with former nurse co-workers. What fertile ground, I thought. Ask these retired nurses to share a pint at our next blood drive. I didn't get any firm commitments. It appears even nurses are squeamish about giving blood. After being encouraged by Red Cross staff to find new donors, I was eager to work this group. Perhaps my timing was off. The subject didn't blend with eating. (I donated recently and it was easy and satisfying knowing you could help someone.)
Speaking of nurses, metro area hospital nurses voted to reject contract offers and strike. I keep my licence current even though I haven't worked in four years and got a call from an agency a week ago. I didn't accept the offer. Hopefully all will be settled without a walkout or lockout.
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