My computer tech guy is on a three-day fishing trip this weekend and my computer is slower than molasses. What to do. I won't try to diagnose the problem because I do not understand the answers or the questions the programs ask me. Should I say "yes" or "no" to the inquiry of what it wants to do to correct the problem. I have been down this slippery slope before and chosen randomly only to have to take it to a higher source (not God, the Geek Squad). I will just wait. I thought, "It is running slower than molasses in January". This inspired me to look for a photo online to illustrate this piece about a slow computer. When I Googled "molasses in January" I came upon this site: http://edp.org/molasses.htm
Can you believe it? A molasses disaster? I don't mean to make light about the loss of life in this disaster, especially with what Minnesotans have been going through. I might need to suppress a snicker about someone's obituary reading: "Death by Molasses". This disaster had more victims than our bridge collapse. Most of those who survived are probably gone now too so I do not risk offending too many people I hope. It is a sticky situation. It reminds me of the early Smothers Brother's song, "I yelled fire when I fell into the chocolate". Why did he yell 'fire' when he fell into the chocolate? Because no one would have helped him if he had yelled 'chocolate'. Just when we are struggling not to be fearful and avoid bridges, I now have to keep an eye on those tanker trucks full of sorghum. They make molasses from sorghum.
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