Something you may not know about me; I LOVE Roy Orbison! My regret? I never saw him in person. He was in the metro the year before he died and I thought about going but didn't. My family has compensated for that loss by buying his CDs as gifts and son Andy gave me a DVD of the "Black and White Concert" that PBS runs for fundraising week. I was high school age in the early 60's when he was crooning. Maybe it is memories of dancing cheek to cheek that grabs me. Memories of being seventeen. . Not much dancing after that ring was on my finger. Here is a sermon to you guys. Dancing is very romantic. Hearing Roy Orbison will guarantee to make me want to slow dance. Roy enjoyed a surge of popularity after he died when "Pretty Woman" was re-released. I still love, "Crying". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGH-5-Gvjng
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