We have been warned. It is going to snow. Stock up. Hide out. Hunker down. The warnings started several days ago and the intensity of the message grew each day. Winter is here. The TV people who are scaring us are the same ones who collect money for ads from retailers who want us out there shopping. I think the retailers hate to see a weekend wasted. They always seem to have stocked too much merchandise and the economy of the nation depends on us. I don't feel guilty. We are doing very little shopping retail this year. Wonderfully liberating posture.
I cut my walking short this morning and wussed out. Darn, that wind was cold and I have done well all week anyway. Soon after I got home it started to snow. If you have lived in a cold clime you know when it snows big flakes that won't amount to much snow. When it snows small flakes but looks like a whiteout, you are going to have to get your snowblower out. It is doing the latter.
I ran to the library to pick up two books I had reserved. I also topped off the frig with a new gallon of milk. We are good. I would hate to run out of reading material. We have a beautiful new public library. Recently they added a coffee shop and the first thing I noticed this morning when I came in the door was the smell of coffee. I didn't even need to buy a cup. Just the combination of books and coffee made my day.
Jon has a fire blazing in the woodstove in the shop attached to the garage. We sat with our coffee and listened to "Car Talk". Tonight we will listen to "A Prairie Home Companion" and maybe roast a hot dog. I think I can handle a day of snow. This is nothing like the homesteaders on the prairie a hundred years ago. No snowblower. No TV. No radio. No public library. No 4 wheel drive vehicle. No central heat and animals to worry about. Maybe I will reread, "Giants of the Earth" and count my blessings.
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