It's still snowing. Sven, the TV weatherman, actually said it was still "flurrying" outside. New word. We have had a light snowfall today. Chicago and Milwaukee caught more of this system. Roving reporters cover delighted ski hill owners and climatologists tell us winters had more snow cover in the first half of the 20th century than now. Then they predict harmful results when this snowcover melts 10 - 20 days earlier than it did a century ago. Too much talk. Too much worry. Just do like the kids and enjoy it if you can.
We attended a big funeral today for a cousin of Jon's who died from Alzheimers at 67. She was one of the most likeable people you could meet and fit the ideal image of a wife and mom from the 60s. Her son is a priest and he and fourteen other priests plus a bishop had the Mass. I think that is a record for most at a Mass I have been to. I am again resolving to be a nicer person so people will say nice things about me after I am gone. I don't think I will have 15 priests and a bishop.
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