Random Acts of Kindness. I don't think we coined the phrase, but our church encourages doing the little extra things to brighten peoples' days. They have calling cards printed that say, "Just for you, Just because God loves you." The idea is to do something unexpected and leave your card. It could include picking up someone's bill in a restaurant (such as a serviceman or woman), over-tipping, helping a young mom who has her hands full trying to wrangle a couple toddlers and push that grocery cart to her car. Try tipping the fast food people. Don't forget the one who cleans your hotel room. You will get a smile. Who knows what good effects can come from your actions. My husband has scooted out to help the garbageman load our sacks of leaves on the truck. Stiffle your gripes. Wait patiently. Let another ahead of you in line. Try a little tenderness. Give a smile today. It might make all the difference in the world to another. I think this is a key to true happiness. It will come back to you.
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