Jon powerwashed everything yesterday....cars, driveway, outdoor rugs, plastic lawn furniture.
He has switched from spending much of the day in his "office" to hanging out in the garage. It is a guy thing.
My perennial plants are emerging.
All the babies and moms, dads, or grandparents are strolling with the strollers.
Garage sales are starting. There are just a few but I went in search this morning. Want to find another (folding) high chair. When did high chairs get so bulky? When our kids were little they had Cosco aluminum high chairs that folded and fit in the space between my frig and wall. All I see now are huge plastic things. I only found three sales this morning, none with kids stuff. I bought what I usually buy. Textiles. I can hardly resist tableclothes, placemats, and cloth napkins. Hardly anyone uses them, but when they hear I am out shopping they put them in their sales. At least I don't collect sets of dishes like my friend Sue. She can't resist. We had dinner at their house on St. Patrick's Day on year. She is the only person I know with shamrock dishes. I asked her how many sets of dishes she has and she thought "about 50". I will stick with tableclothes. We could entertain together. I'll do the linen. She can set the tables.
The heat and rain last weekend prompted the trees to bud. No leaves yet. The grass is greening.
Sign of spring; we have been sleeping with the windows open.
Sign of spring: I shaved my legs. Probably didn't need to do that today. Tonight we are going to a Back to the 50's Dinner in costume. I am an old-fashioned nun in a long black habit. Don't think those 50's nuns had to shave their legs. Don't think they had to worry about anything but a well scrubbed face. My distress? I may have to skip the mascara, the cosmetic I can least do without. Make a note, Jane. Tell Jon to pack an eyeline in my casket. My friend Barb wants a casket with a drawer (they have those) so her hubby can throw in a bottle of Lady Clairol just in case it isn't available elsewhere.
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