Yesterday was the deer hunting season opener. It is November and it should be cold. It was in the mid sixties. Hunters prefer a little snow to track the deer. We don't have any. October's snow melted. It has been balmy this month. When it is cooler the deer move around. Bucks have amorous thoughts and are out looking for love and hunters can spot them.
There is also a problem of what to wear hunting. If you don't want to be the hunted, you wear warm blaze orange clothing. (That wardrobe is only good for hunting. You wouldn't wear it to work, church or on a date.) What do you do when it is 67 and it is too hot to wear cold weather hunting clothes? Maybe Fleet Farm had a special on orange tee shirts last week.
Men and many women look forward to their annual fall hunting adventure. I'd guess they still went to the woods. Maybe some of them did what this couple in the video did. Go with the flow.
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