You can get a real time look at river traffic and the downtown riverside park. They raise the bridge on the hour and you might get a peek at a river boat going under the bridge if you are lucky. There are now six riverboats on the levy.
This weekend is our annual Lumberjack Days Celebration. It commemorates the days when the river was jammed with logs floated down to the sawmills. A century ago they clear cut the big white pines up river and Stillwater was a hub was processing the lumber. It was a rough and tumble town and had more bars than churches. There was even a boradello floating on the river.
Those days are over. Now we wrestle with some of the bad behavior that comes from over indulging people who come to Lumberjack Days and consume too much alcohol. We had a few rough years but they seem to have a handle on it now. Last night we went downtown for a short time. Besides the local police and sheriff's deputies, the area had a large presence of red-shirted security guys. They looked like barroom bouncers. Beefy guys who were very cordial but obviously there as a deterrent to troublemakers. We didn't make any trouble. The first year we lived here we had houseguests and went out to dinner at a downtown restaurant during LJD. We were witnessed a very drunk woman make a scene at a table near us in a restaurant. We ducked as she threw glasses at her dinner companion. We could have used a few of those big, red-shirted guys there that night. Memorable dinner and we haven't eaten downtown during LJD since.

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