Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Jay Leno had a funny comment on Life Coaches. He mused, “Isn’t that what friends are for?” I think so, or at least mothers. Everybody get a grip here, can't we trust our own instincts? Pay for a Life Coach?
I am not against paying someone for counseling or therapy. There are situations where this is appropriate. There are professional psychologists and chaplains etc. who are very helpful to people in need. Maybe the rest of us could just stay on course using that time tested book left to us. Our previous pastor and his wife used the Proverbs to train their children. One chapter each day after dinner. Good practical wisdom for living. There are 30 chapters so it fit most months. As far as I can tell, their kids have turned out pretty well.
Monday, January 29, 2007

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Friday, January 26, 2007
Watch Out For Those Bullets in the Medical Bulletins, Might Be Dangerous to Your Health

I do not have much faith in medical bulletins because they frequently contradict each other. Cardiologists advise a glass of red wine a day. Other health officials consider 7 drinks a week excessive. Got to protect that liver. A few years ago one report stated that underweight people were at a higher risk of dying sooner. A bit before that someone's study showed that significantly reducing caloric intake could lead to a longer lifespan. What to do. What to do. That is why I usually cut a path down the middle, in my thinking anyway. My behaviour does not always follow my thinking, but I am working on that.
I take more than 30 minutes to fall asleep most nights. Lunesta commercials are aimed at me. Either I can't fall asleep or stay asleep even in my decaffeinated state. Trouble is, I hate the way you feel the next morning if you take a "sleep aide". I guess I will just have to live with the knowledge I have 100% chance of doing you know what someday. Today I feel fine. Perhaps I could get a research grant to study how long people live who ignore medical bulletins.
PS Day 11. Walked this am. Had a good day yesterday. Still hanging in there. Jane
Thursday, January 25, 2007

Newspaper reports of the military’s new “Nonlethal Ray Gun” caught my attention this morning. The ray gun (developed by Raytheon) shoots a beam that briefly heats the skin to 130 degrees. The receiver feels very uncomfortable or “as if they are about to catch fire” according to the Associated Press article. Apparently the military hopes this would be enough to make your opponent drop their weapon.
Things to consider before spending a bazillion defence dollars:
1. This has already been tried by Marvin the Martian fifty+ years ago. In spite of his ray gun he could not defeat Daffy Duck or Bugs Bunny in those Looney Tunes escapades.
2. Older females who have experienced menopause would be immune. We have hit 130 degrees frequently. My glasses would steam. Really. At least in my experience, this flash of heat never rendered me passive. Quite the opposite. I might have gone right for the enemies throat if they zapped me.
3. It wouldn’t work against Iraqi insurgents. They are already living in a climate that has 130 degree summers. Ask any soldier who has been in Iraq how hot that macadam is in the summer. Some of the local population still go barefoot on the asphalt.
4, It would probably make the international community nervous. Remember how the Star Wars program was received? Remember the Neutron Bomb? Could we get the remaining two Pointer Sisters to do a little song and dance about the new Ray Gun?
5. Sounds like it would contribute to further global warming.
2. I like the idea of a new song by the Pointer Sisters about a Ray Gun.
3. It would give us a step up in our defending ourselves against Aliens. The people in Roswell, New Mexico would understand. Think the movie “Independence Day”. We would be ready.
4. Remember this is a proposed non-lethal weapon. Mothers Against Military Madness would endorse it. I’m not sure how the NRA would feel but then I don’t care what the NRA says.
5 . I think Ronnie would like it.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Yesterday I read my daughter's Mary's blog and I am piggybacking off her topic. She had my granddaughter Mina overnight this past weekend. They went shopping and Mary let Mina pick out her own birthday present. She is a Barbie fan and picked a set called "Barbie and Tanner". Tanner is a dog who resembles Mina's real life lab Bailey. I laughed when I read the description of Barbie and Tanners interactive play. Barbie feeds Tanner dog biscuits. He opens his mouth and lifts his tail and poops! Barbie then picks up the stuff with her magnetic wand and puts it in the recepticle and on and on... How could I resist commenting on this?
link to BB:http://www.twincities.com/mld/pioneerpress/living/people/16529039.htm
Monday, January 22, 2007

Saturday, January 20, 2007
Party Hardy but No Spanking Machines
I am sounding like a curmudgeon. What started this tirade was the recent publicity given kid's lavish birthday parties. There is a "guy"(not sure what he is--psychologist? teacher? ) encouraging parents to turn back the clock. Don't go overboard with birthday parties. Some parents have responded by finding like minded souls and agreeing to take it down a notch. No more limousines, no more gift bags for the attendees with expensive gifts, no more over the top spending. At the extremes examples were given of parties costing tens of thousands of dollars. How are these kids ever going to have normal lives when someone wows them like that at six?
Jaded lives. God knows what values--at least in my opinion.
This got me to submit my "two cents worth" to the newspaper Bulletin Board. It was today's first story. I'm The MOM in Stillwater
PS. Day 5 It's all about impulse control. Word for the day. "Take every thought captive to Christ". translates to me--the battle in all above the ears now. Eat if you are hungry but if I just want to eat for comfort stop and ask for help from HIM. I'm still hanging in there.
Friday, January 19, 2007

February 2006, Art was told by Drs. he would dead in weeks from kidney failure. He went into a hospice but had to check out when he lived on… and on. He continued even when faced with bad news to cheer others up. He is quoted in the article as saying; “The French ambassador gave me the literary equivalent of the Legion of Honor. The National Hospice Association made me man of the year. I never realized dying was so much fun.”
That is actually an excerpt he wrote in his last book.
My mom also died from kidney failure. Like Art Buchwald she outlived predictions of Drs. Her nephrologist said she would be dead in six months without dialysis. She lived two and a half more years. She got her news in early fall and gave away all of her summer clothes thinking she would not be around the following summer anyway. We then had a chuckle when it warmed up the following May and she had no lightweight clothes. Time to shop. Outliving the six months probably had a lot to do with her self discipline. She was on an extremely restricted low protein, low sodium, low cholesterol, low potassium diet. She followed it. My sister and I joked it would be curtains for us if that was our prescribed diet. Not much is left on the menu when you compute that diet.
She also was a woman of faith and not afraid to go to her reward. Even in that trial she was an inspiration to many much like Art Buchwald. A salute to both of them for lives well lived.
Day 4 for me. Today I’ll look to these two as my inspiration. I can do this.
Thursday, January 18, 2007

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Went to nearby field house to walk laps this am. Good thing to do. Five years ago I could do ten fast laps. Now I am getting passed by senior citizens in walkers. Okay, I am kidding about the walkers. I am getting passed by many, but not all. Will try to work up number of laps and do them faster gradually.
Our youngest had his 21st birthday last Sunday. He is out of the country, so sent him an electronic birthday card. He had only left the week before and didn't have time to get a card in the post to arrive on time. One of the electronic cards I sampled was a cartoon of James Brown singing "Happy Birthday to you" to the tune of "I Feel Fine." I don't think James feels so fine right now. After a dignified, heartfelt send off by his many fans, he is being kept refrigerated until his family decides where to bury him. John Brown's body may lie "a moldering in the grave", but alas not poor James Brown. I think there is something to be said for preplanning your own funeral.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Monday, January 15, 2007

Anyone with a business relying on snow will be happy today. This was also much easier to deal with than the ice storm the middle of the country just got.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Well, they probably will build the ice maze. David Letterman is supposedly sending a camera crew here. That is if the warm air doesn't return and meltdown occurs next week. Link to Ice and Snow Sculptures: http://www.gastrolab.net/s95kemie.htm

Thursday, January 11, 2007
Not-So Fawlty Towers

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Ode to Boniva (or the Dog Ate my Boniva Excuse)

Badvertising (from the Bulletin Board at the Pioneer Press)
"Today's nomination has arrived via e-mail, from blue heron: "Is it just me, blue heron, or does the Boniva commercial starring Sally Field bother anyone else?
"In the commercial, Sally Field tells us that a friend of hers has to set time aside to take her osteoporosis medication. Apparently, Boniva is taken once a month.
"Am I really supposed to get all worked up over someone who has to set time aside to take a pill? How involved could that be? Would that person have to take time off work?
"I once worked at a place where employees called in sick for many reasons. Now they have another excuse: 'Uh, I can't come to work today. Yeah, I have to take my pill, and you know how involved that can be! Not sure I can be there tomorrow, either, because I have to take another pill. I'll let you know about the day after that.' "
This inspired me to write a limerick, that lowest form of poetry, about Boniva.
Ode to Boniva
If your bones are thinned out and too brittle
You’ve been forced to become quite committal
To weekly take pills
To avoid coming ills
That admit you into the hospital.
New Boniva saves time for us all
Who’re too busy for weekly protocol
Now once a month we can swallow
A fix for bones getting hollow
That break if we happen to fall.
Taking pills once a month now would yield
Three minutes at least while we’re healed
As our bones get much stronger
Our free time gets longer
Thanks very much Sally Field
Monday, January 8, 2007
Today I had to Google it for the history behind the real title.
""Poobah" comes from Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Mikado," which debuted in 1885 and skewered the then-current rage in Britain for allthings Japanese. Set in the fictional small Japanese town of Titipu,The Mikado tells the storyof Ko-Ko, the Lord High Executioner, Yum-Yum, his fetching ward, andNanki-Poo, a wandering minstrel who is actually the son of the Mikado(Emperor) in disguise. The plot of The Mikado is far too baroque torelate here, but one ofthe other characters is, you guessed it, Poo-Bah, who holds theexalted offices of Lord Chief Justice, Master of the Buckhounds andGroom of the Back Stairs, as well as the handy catch-all post of LordHigh Everything Else."Lord High Everything Else" was such a brilliant summation of theself-important puffery of bureaucracy that "Poo-Bah" (and its variant"poobah") immediately became a popular mocking synonym for someone who holds a number of offices, wields ultimate power, or exhibits aninflated self-regard. "
Sunday, January 7, 2007
In Memoriam of Momofuko Ando
Andy is allowed 100 pounds in his two pieces of luggage and fell short of that weight. That is why he added the Ramen and some Lipton Chicken Noodle Soup. These foods also sustained him when he was a picky eater as a child. I am not sure I did my job well as his mom keeping him in junk food when he was a kid but our firstborn was also a picky eater and at age 40+ I didn't have it in me to have food fights anymore.
If he is accepted he will return from Europe in May and leave for China two weeks later. He wants to experience the culture and said he expects to "eat outside of his comfort zone". He told a funny story told by another SJU student who lived in China last summer. Not wanting to offend, he ate what was served. One meal was a bowl of broth with a whole chicken foot. He ate is all. His Chinese hosts did not eat the foot.
I remember getting email accounts my nephew Peter sent while in China on business. He also wanted to eat like the locals and once had a large bullfrog in his broth. Peter, did everyone else there eat that amphibian? Peter wrote of many other culinary delights such as wine with a dead snake in the bottle. That makes the Tequila worm more tolerable. Better to drink the wine without seeing the container it camefrom. I told Andy if he goes to China to eat slow and glance at to see what the Chinese are actually consuming. I just might sneak some Lipton Chicken Noodle Soup in his luggage on that trip too. Official sie for Ramen which includes recipes you probably don't want to collect ://mattfischer.com/ramen/
Friday, January 5, 2007
Advice I Never Thought I Would Give My Son

Thursday, January 4, 2007
Uno, Dos, Tres Deja Vu

I am trying not to be superstitious. Day one of the new year started with the snowblower needing repair work and the floor drain backing up. My husband said, "I wonder what number three will be". We have been conditioned to think bad news comes in threes. This morning when I woke up he asked me if I wanted to hear the "good news or the bad news first". Not much of a choice. I chose the bad news. He replied, "Well , the third thing broke but it is the coffee maker. " I guess we were relieved it wasn't a car. It was 7:00 AM and where could we find another Bunn-o-matic NOW?We found our small espresso pot that brews by using a burner on the stove. That got us the first jolt of caffeine for the day. Uno, dos, tres..no more bad luck for a spell.
P.S. I made the Bulletin Board again today. Click on today's Bulletin Board and scroll to The MOM in Stillwater. http://www.twincities.com/mld/pioneerpress/living/people/
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Amazing Grace

Tuesday, January 2, 2007
2007 - Day 2
On January 1st, my husband used the snowblower for the first time this winter (a record) only to find out it did not work right. I am trying not to remember that things break in threes. Last night we had problems with the sewer backing up the floor drain. It was noticed before it much of a mess and Jon got his first fix-it job of the year. Today the snowblower was job two. We are hoping for nothing else to break down. This does raise the question I pondered a few months ago. Do things break in threes because we group things after the third mishap? Probably. I will be happy waiting a long time for the next problem.
Monday, January 1, 2007