Saturday, January 20, 2007

Party Hardy but No Spanking Machines

St. Paul is about to celebrate it's winter carnival. On the news last night I heard something that got my attention. The sledding hill will be free this weekend for families. What? Sledding hills aren't free all the time? Today I read something about parents renting an ice rink for a kid's birthday party. Whatever happened to public park ice rinks? They were free. They were free and as kids my sister and I skated everyday until the time when warmer days left the ice bumpy when it refroze. We got the exercise we needed without paying admission to an indoor rink. We slid down hills---no charge. Sometimes we even slid down on a piece of cardboard. You couldn't control where you went but it was fun. It was free.
I am sounding like a curmudgeon. What started this tirade was the recent publicity given kid's lavish birthday parties. There is a "guy"(not sure what he is--psychologist? teacher? ) encouraging parents to turn back the clock. Don't go overboard with birthday parties. Some parents have responded by finding like minded souls and agreeing to take it down a notch. No more limousines, no more gift bags for the attendees with expensive gifts, no more over the top spending. At the extremes examples were given of parties costing tens of thousands of dollars. How are these kids ever going to have normal lives when someone wows them like that at six?
Jaded lives. God knows what values--at least in my opinion.
This got me to submit my "two cents worth" to the newspaper Bulletin Board. It was today's first story. I'm The MOM in Stillwater

PS. Day 5 It's all about impulse control. Word for the day. "Take every thought captive to Christ". translates to me--the battle in all above the ears now. Eat if you are hungry but if I just want to eat for comfort stop and ask for help from HIM. I'm still hanging in there.

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