Our youngest will leave this weekend for a study abroad semester in London. He has had some reservations about his choice since finding out how expensive London is. Housing costs will be what he would have paid at his college here--a bargain. The apartment is across from Hyde Park near Imperial College where he will take classes. Kensington Palace is about a half mile walk. Madonna and Hugh Grant live in the neighborhood. This is a high rent area where he wouldn't be living if it were not arranged for foreign students. But, there is no meal plan. Eating out is expensive with exchange rates close to 2:1 for pounds to dollars. Estimates he has heard is everything costs twice as much as here. That means double what you would pay in a large city like New York.
Now the advice I gave him is: Pack some Ramen noodles in your suitcase if you have room and find a McDonalds to eat some inexpensive meals. (It won't be 45 cents for the All American Meal.) I am less concerned about him eating a healthy diet for a few months than coming home ten pounds lighter. Has there ever been a mother who told her son he should eat at McDonalds more? Doubtful.
This kid was the fussiest eatier I have ever encountered when he was younger. At six he finally started eating pizza and then only plain cheese. He took a cold lunch to school everyday. It was usually a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He also liked yogurt, fruit, and bagels but not much more. He learned about Ramen noodles at day care and wanted to eat them often. He had a short list of foods he would eat. He never ate meat until he was a teenager. Peer pressure at that age loosened him up a bit. He was 18 and dating before he came anywhere close to a normal diet.
Things have changed. He is now careful about what he eats and considers what is good for him. At least he can cook and probably will balance his budget by doing some of his own cooking in the UK. But, I think I will sneak a few packages of Ramen noodles in the side zippered pocket of his suitcase. Hopefully the British will not judge him harshly if he is seen eating at McDonalds.
Link to a funny take on eating at McDonalds abroad: http://travel.news.yahoo.com/b/rolf_potts/rolf_potts5166
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