Yesterday's email brought more news from the youngest who is studying in London this semester. I felt better hearing he was getting settled. He also posted some of his first photos on a Picasa album site. His flat is next door to an embassey. Very close. My first thought was "how interesting". My second thought, "I hope that is secure". While discussing it this morning my husband remarked he hoped that country's newspapers didn't publish any cartoons that upset anyone. Really I am not too concerned. The Israeli embassey is on the next block. That concerns me a bit more. Time to do what a mother does. Pray for safety and then be thankful he is so blessed. Picture of his apartment building.
I had an experience in Copenhagen involving an embassy. The US embassy called the cops on me. All I was doing was trying to scale the fence of their neighbor... For good reason- a couple of us went out at night and the gate to the compound, er, school, was locked when we got back. Apparently the guards at the US Embassy didn't like the look of us trying to scale the fence of the school across the street, so they called the police. It worked out fine- with the cop scaling the fence and awaking the others to make sure we really did belong there.
Those Danes are pretty laid back. But then they were the ones who published the cartoons that caused an outrage among you know who.
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