Years ago I heard that the tallest candidate usually wins an election. This week someone suggested their "research" showed a woman wanting to succeed in politics had to be bright and attractive. Looks matter. Are we that shallow? I wish everyone would lighten up about Sarah Palin's RNC wardrobe. Who cares if they bought an expensive wardrobe for her? Don't you think those male candidates are wearing $1500 suites?
I wonder about the teeth thing. Most candidates have bleached their teeth. One of our candidates in a Minnesota election has teeth that almost glow. A bit too much Clorox, methinks. Unreal. Trying to look good but surpassing the standard. Europeans are amused by our obsession with bright white smiles. I like white teeth, but think they can get too white. I wonder if the feds have given a grant to study the whiteness of teeth in election results. If they haven't, they probably will. Just print a few more bundles of money and give the grant to someone. Maybe if the stock market stays depressed I will apply for that grant. How hard could it be to do research? I have the equivalent of a ream of paper with political ads that have been sent or distributed to my door. Check the smile. Later coordinate with the results.
I wonder how many of our past presidents would be elected today. Lincoln had Marfans syndrome. He was the tallest....but, a bit awkward looking. FDR was paralysed and in a wheelchair. Washington had those wooden teeth. Maybe they were the whitest teeth and helped his cause. James Madison was 5'5" and probably not the tallest but how many of the electorate saw him? Campaigning was local and media coverage was limited to fliers and newspapers. Who could tell how short he was on a poster? There were no cameras. No pictures. Just hire someone to draw you a bit taller and you were all set.
Politics were dirty years ago too. Political cartooning was big. Scandals were publicized. Shady people probably gave big donations then as well. The best part of old elections-----no radio talk shows. No TV commentators who will continue to rehash this election long after it is over. Two years of campaigning and we probably won't get a break after Nov 4.
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