Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mr. Relaxation

We followed a frequently observed ritual this morning and went out for breakfast at our favorite local diner. I had planned to stop at Kohl's on the way and pick up something at their Saturday Early Bird sale. (I managed to avoid the black Friday shopping rush. People are getting killed at those bargain hunting events.) I asked Jon if he wanted to run in the store with me or wait in the car. He replied he would wait in the car. He was wearing his bedroom slippers. That attire is acceptable at our diner but would look strange at Kohl's. He hadn't planned to dress this casually, he just didn't notice what he had on his feet until we were in the car.
The River Oasis Cafe went through some minor changes with the new owner, but the staff and food are mostly unchanged. Kenny, the dishwasher who was banned from coming out front to pick up dishes from the dirty dish bins, is back doing his job like he previously did. We see him come out to get the dishes again. All is well in the kingdom. The waitresses have been working there for decades. They usually don't need to ask what we want. Jon is a creature of habit and orders #2 even though they no longer have #2 on the menu. They know what he means.
Life is good.
The view from the River Oasis Cafe is of a smoothly frozen over St. Croix river. It is cold outside and warm inside. Warm and cozy enough to show up on a Saturday morning wearing your bedroom slippers. Hopefully, Jon won't push that to PJs.

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