It came out several years ago and my husband and I went to see it with daughter Mary. She had broken up for the last time with her longtime boyfriend. She was broken up too. I thought the movie was a pivotal experience. Perhaps it made her see that she had a future.
Fast forward a few months. She did not go back to the old boyfriend like she always had before. A mutual friend introduced her to a nice young man. They were married this past September. We really like him and like them as a couple.
When Mary and Mike were here recently I loaned them our copy of the movie. Mike had not seen it. Saturday they stopped over and Mary returned the movie. She also said she caught Mike cleaning his shoes with Windex. (This won't be funny if you haven't seen the movie.) I saw it as a funny connection to the movie. I have to go now. We are barbqueing a lamb in the front yard. Oopa!
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