No, that is not a new religion. Someone wrote a book recently about sayings from her mother which she called "momisms". Contemplating Mother's Day as a now motherless person, I fondly remember some of my mom's great advice and sayings.
"Don't learn to clean fish". This has been wonderful advice that I heeded. I think my mom said that while cleaning fish. Many times people would give us fish and she would prepare them for dinner if they were cleaned. Otherwise, they would be buried in the garden producing some amazing tomatoes later.
Nothing was wasted. "Use it up", "Eat it up", or best yet, "Kill it" which meant eat it up. I now struggle with a weigh problem so maybe not such good advice. It was Green living and good for the planet however.
"Use the rubber spatula!" This advice was given to me when I was a young housewife. She could not abide wasting food by leaving batter or whatever in the bowl. At my house, mom would be aghast looking for my one rubber spatula which might be in the dishwasher. One of her last gifts to me was a pack of new rubber scrapers. I am now in the habit of using them and look crossways at my husband if he doesn't. The apple does not fall far from the tree. One habit I still have is licking the beaters from the electric mixer when I make a cake. My lawyer reminded me to add, "Do not attempt this at home unless the mixer is unplugged!" Don't you love obvious disclaimers?
"Don't learn to change a tire". Strange advice from a divorced working mom in the fifties. She was very sefl-sufficieint and not one to shrink back from helping herself. (Maybe when she said that she hoped I would have it easier. ) I took this advice as well. I actually have been shown how to change a tire, but don't know if I would attempt to do it myself or just look helpless until someone else does it. So far, I have only had one flat tire and one husband who answered my call for assistance. It is less necessary to be so self-sufficient with the advent of AAA and cell phones.
Her best advice and something she practiced; "Pray for a good husband". Good men are not that easy to come by. Mom prayed and was rewarded with both daughters marrying good guys. I have also seen our daughter and oldest son marry people well suited to them that we love. Our youngest has been dating a nice young lady whom we like and who is a nursing student which gains points with me.
Thanks mom for passing along your wisdom. It might be a good thing that I may not know what my kids will remember me saying.
Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers. (I meant that in a nice way.)
PS: Happily still exercising and -40. My delight this week was seeing our youngest son for the first time since early January and having him tell me I looked different. He was amused that I was working out and using Whey supplements.
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