Front page news today in the Pioneer Press, “Project Pigeon Purge”. I am glad nothing really bad happened in the world yesterday, (or did it?) so our only scary thought is of ridding ourselves of public nuisance pigeons. The GOP national convention is headed to St. Paul in 2008, and city fathers are busy sprucing up the place. Time to deal with messy birds. They have come up with a novel solution. They are going to build them nice, rooftop condos. When they have made themselves at home and built nests, these guys plan to steal their eggs! They hope they slowly die off.
Didn't Chinese officials get rid of birds who were eating too much grain? That hasn't worked out so well for them.
When the Olympics were held in Seoul, Korea a few years ago, I remember reading officials there forbad local restaurants from serving dishes with dog meat. That might offend visitors. Now, I will wait to see a directive from “officials” to hamper local chefs from serving pickled pigeon eggs at brunch during the convention. It might be okay to serve this to a delegation from California. I won’t tell if you won’t tell.
When the Olympics were held in Seoul, Korea a few years ago, I remember reading officials there forbad local restaurants from serving dishes with dog meat. That might offend visitors. Now, I will wait to see a directive from “officials” to hamper local chefs from serving pickled pigeon eggs at brunch during the convention. It might be okay to serve this to a delegation from California. I won’t tell if you won’t tell.
PS. We experienced this feeding frenzy of birds when we were in St. Mark's Square in Venice last year. I gave my crackers to a group of young ladies. Guess I come with too much baggage, remembering my Alfred Hitchcock movies about birds.
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