The newsletter made an appeal for volunteers to be part of a group that does funeral honor guards for deceased alumnus. They attend funerals of former grads in full uniform. That uniform consists of white dress uniform, cap, white shoes and stockings and navy blue cape. I briefly considered paying my dues so I could have this honor when I died. I emailed friend/ classmate Barb who said she would pass, but if I wanted the honor guard she would show up in a cape for my funeral. Add that to the procession by goat cart to the cemetery, and the funeral will be quite an event.
When I was a student there in the 60’s the school owned navy wool capes that we wore for “special occasions” like Capping and Graduation. When we graduated we were offered the opportunity to buy our own capes. Only one or two of my classmates did. The rest of us wondered what on earth we would do with a cape. I guess I did not anticipate the funeral honor guard duty.
One of the years I was in school, a physician thought it would be nice if the student nurses solicited door to door for Red Cross donations wearing full uniform and cape. We were thrilled. That getup was a 1940’s fashion statement. We wouldn’t have minded so much if he had added a Lone Ranger type mask so no one recognized us.
Three years ago we were in Rome and I saw nurses in full regalia on the streets: White uniforms, caps, and navy wool red-lined capes! My biggest regret---I didn’t take a picture. The concierge at our hotel told us they were religious “sisters” who were nurses. What a step back in time. Secular nurses dress in scrubs like their American counterparts.
I am frequently asked to go door to door collecting for charities like the American Heart Association, Leukemia Foundation, Kidney Fund etc. If I had my own cape I might get a better response. I would be a unique Caped Crusader.
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